Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

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Berikut adalah jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy yang telah terbit dan berdasarkan index scopus baik terindex Q1 dan Q2 :

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

A Different View on ASEAN Capital Market Integration

Economies | 2021 | Scopus Q2

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

Identifying the Role of Gold on Sustainable Investment in Indonesia: The DCC-GARCH Approach

Economies | 2021 | Scopus Q2

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

Will The Winner Still be the Winner? A Study of Equity Mutual Fund Performance in Indonesia

Business: Theory and Practice | 2020 | Scopus Q3

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

Analysis of Equity Valuation Models and Target Price Accuracy: An Evidence from Analyst Reports in Indonesia

SAGE Open | 2020 | Scopus Q2

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

Price Formation Around Dividend Announcement Date: Empirical Evidence in Indonesian Stock Exchange

European Research Studies Journal | 2019 | Scopus Q2

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

The Effect of Hedging With Financial Derivatives on Firm Value at Indonesia Stock Exchange

Economics and Finance in Indonesia | 2019 | Sinta S2

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

Role of Risk Governance in Promoting Operational Risk Disclosure and Performance: An ASEAN-5 Banking Perspective

International Journal of Business and Society | 2019 | Scopus Q3

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

Risk Governance and Bank Profitability In ASEAN-5: A Comparative and Empirical Study

International Journal of Emerging Markets | 2019 | Scopus Q2

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

An analysis of diversification practice of domestic individual investors in the Indonesian stock exchange

International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research | 2017 | Scopus Q2

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

The effect of price earnings ratio (PER) and institutional ownership on stock returns of LQ45 stocks in Indonesia stock exchange for the years 2008-2013

International Journal of Economic Research | 2017 | Scopus Q2

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

The performance of undiversified portfolio stock exchange

Journal of Applied Business Research | 2016 | Scopus Q3

11Jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy

Pengaruh Manajemen Laba Riil Terhadap Peringkat Dan Premi Penerbitan Obligasi Korporasi

Jurnal Akuntansi (Accounting Journal) | 2016 | Sinta S2