Berikut adalah jurnal Prof. Budi Frensidy yang telah terbit dan berdasarkan index scopus baik terindex Q1 dan Q2 :
Economies | 2021 | Scopus Q2
Business: Theory and Practice | 2020 | Scopus Q3
SAGE Open | 2020 | Scopus Q2
European Research Studies Journal | 2019 | Scopus Q2
Economics and Finance in Indonesia | 2019 | Sinta S2
International Journal of Business and Society | 2019 | Scopus Q3
International Journal of Emerging Markets | 2019 | Scopus Q2
International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research | 2017 | Scopus Q2
International Journal of Economic Research | 2017 | Scopus Q2
Journal of Applied Business Research | 2016 | Scopus Q3
Jurnal Akuntansi (Accounting Journal) | 2016 | Sinta S2