Fundamental Methods Of Mathematics For Business And Economics, Indonesian Edition Vol. 1

Fundamental Methods Of Mathematics For Business And Economics, Indonesian Edition Vol. 1
Judul Buku :Fundamental Methods Of Mathematics For Business And Economics vol.1
Tahun Terbit :2010
Halaman :498
Penerbit :Salemba Empat, Mc Graw Hill
ISBN :9789790610279


This book is adapted from the original version, Fundamental Methods Of Mathematics For Business And Economics, 4th Edition by Alpha C. Chiang and Kevin Wainwright. The adaptation material includes some cases in Indonesian context. This book also elaborates more illustrations and aplications on economics and business. By admitting Indonesian cases and adding conrete-aplicative examples, it is expeted that learning process becomes more effective and efficient so the student’s understanding will be highly improvedThe Following major types of economic analysis are covered static (equilibrium analysis), comparative statics, optimization problems (as a special type of static), dynamic, and dynamic optimization. The book should not only serve text for a course on mathematical methods, but also as supplementary reading in such courses as microeconomic theory, microeconomic theory, finacial management, operatioan management, operation research, econometrics, and economic growth and development.


Part 1   Introduction

Chapter.1 The Nature of Mathematical Economics

Chapter.2 Economic Models

Part 2   Static (or Equilibrium) Analysis

Chapter.3 Equilibrium Analysis in Economics

Chapter.4 Linear Models and Matrix Algebra

Chapter.5 Linear Models and Matrix Algebra (Continued)

Part 3   Comparative-Static Analysis

Chapter.6 Comparative Statics and the Concept of Derivative

Chapter.7 Rules of Differentiation and Their Use in Comparative Statics

Chapter.8 Comparative-Static Analysis of General-Function Models

Part 4   Optimization Problems

Chapter.9 Optimization: A Special Variety of Equlibrium Analysis

Chapter.10 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Chapter.11 The Case of More Than One Choice Variable

Chapter.12 Optimization with Equality Constraints

Part 5   Dynamic Analysis

Chapter.13 Economic Dynamics and Integral Calculus